Monday, May 5, 2008


You know how your blog is like, your personal space? You love it, because it is a part of you and you love it because it can hold treasures that you want to keep.

I just wanted to thank Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry for decorating my little corner of the internet. I am grateful beyond words that someone would take the time to do that for me, a virtual stranger. Truth is, I saw her design on Crooked Eyebrow and I loved it...I asked if she would do mine and to my surprise, she graciously accepted.

I really love it! No, like r-e-a-l-ly!
You are the sweetest girl on the very earth for doing it!


Crooked Eyebrow said...

You know what?
I LOVE it too.

It' perfect.
That Beth, she's great.

The stripes are perfect!

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Beth did a GREAT job! You both deserve some chocolate!


Roses Are Red, Violets are Violet said...

she did a great job... looks great! :-)

Kate said...

Love the new look!

Kate said...

Love the new look!

Lynette3boys said...

Wow - it's gorgeous! I totally love it. That Beth is something else.

kimmyk said...

very cute!

Amanda said...

Truly magnificent, fitting considering its owner.

Amanda said...

Truly magnificent, fitting considering its owner.

Kate said...

Yay for you...great new look!! :)

Unknown said...

woooooohhooooo I love it too...yay!

bamboosprouts said...

Your site looks FANTASTIC and those weight loss numbers are AMAZING!!!! I am so happy for you! And you so deserve it. :)

For chocolate, you can probably have a square or two of Lindt 70% cocoa chocolate. Its so yummy once you are off sugar. :)