Friday, September 26, 2008


A few things to tell you,

I am having a children's book published soon! It will be available on amazon when it is complete.

I am considering deleting my blog. It doesn't really serve much purpose right now. I still love and will continue reading yours though! If you want to contact me before it vanishes, please feel free to e-mail me.

Hope you are well!


Anonymous said...

You're publishing a book?! That's so exciting!! If you do decide to delete the blog, please email me to let me know when the book's available.

Anonymous said...

Oh, dont delete. Keep it here for when you become a big author of childrens books :) Congrats on the book.

Aunt Becky said...

Congrats to you! That's wonderful news. I'll miss your blog.

Send an email my way: becky at dwink dot net.

kimmyk said...

wahhh you're leaving???

maybe you should leave the blog JUST INCASE you have something to say or a picture to show us??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

ya know!?!?

Congrats on the book deal. That is pretty amazing!!! Best of luck with that!

Gosh if you go, I'm gonna miss you.

tiffany said...

That is WONDERFUL! :) The book...not the blog deleting. Keep in touch!

cc1sillygoose said...

Wow congrats on the book!!!! But please do not leave...this make me *sniff* sad!

Stephanie said...

I agree with Kimmyk, don't delete, your blog is good and it would come in handy when you become a published author;)
Great news about that book, can't wait to read it!!

Kate said...

Just when I buy a new laptop so I can click on your page and it won't freeze, your leaving??!? (ok, maybe I didn't buy a new laptop juuuuust so I can view your blog without it freezing...but I stopped by the day I got it home!)

Congrats on the new book and continued weight loss!!